Market Research & Product Development

The Market Research and Product Development (MR&PD) department plays a key role in realizing sustainable economic growth and development of the horticulture sub-sector.

The overall aim of horticultural marketing is to improve competitiveness and increase market access for Kenyan horticultural produce and products in all market segments in order to enhance incomes, livelihoods and food security for growers and other value chain actors.

The main focus areas of MRPD are marketing, processing and storage of horticultural products as well as implement government agendas and priorities in line with the needs and demands of customers along the horticulture value chains.

Market Research & Product Development Department

MRPD primary roles are to;

  1. Link horticultural stakeholders along value chains in a Horticultural business linkage (HOBlink) forum through:

a. Mobilization and Linking horticulture producers in specific value chains to actors, marketing organizations and processing hubs.

b. Facilitate the formation of small-scale horticulture producers into marketing organizations to take advantage of economies of scale and improve growers’ bargaining power through aggregations

c. Capacity building of farmers and farmer’s marketing organization on coordination of production, marketing and governance.

d. Promote contract farming between producers and buyers

  1. Capacity building of relevant industry stakeholders and actors along the horticulture value chains.
  2. Monitor market prices of export and local produce, for advisory purposes.
  3. Conduct market promotions and development activities locally, regionally and internationally besides engaging in international trade collaborations (Trade Fairs, Shows and Exhibitions);
  4. Enhance and maintain competitiveness and visibility of the country’s horticultural produce in both established and new markets