Youth Inclusion & Engagement - Youth Agenda | Making the Youth Factor count
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Youth Inclusion & Engagement

Kenya Accountable and Inclusive Political Processes (KAIP) – Youth Engagement


DATES OF PROJECT: August 15, 2018 to August 15, 2019






Youth Agenda implemented a series of learning and strategy meetings for youth leaders and youth-led groups. The project identified youth representatives in Tharaka Nithi and Transnzoia counties, provided training and resources to help the youth representatives conduct a citizen audit of county development projects and organize community meetings on the findings. In addition, Youth Agenda has facilitated meetings with county governments to discuss the findings of the audits and provided opportunities to advocate for community priorities.




  1. Increased awareness and skills among the youths on the CIDP and the county budgeting process.
  2. Increased activeness among the youths on engagement to county governance process.
  3. Enhanced skills and knowledge among the Youth MCAs  to have meaningful engagement with youth-led and oriented groups and create an accountability demand structure of the CIDP’s annual program implementation and budget processes

1418 Youths Impacted by the Project in Tharaka Nithi and Transnzoia County

10 Youth MCAs’ Impacted by the Project in Tharaka Nithi and Transnzoia County

Two County Department for Youths Impacted by the Project in Tharaka Nithi and Transnzoia County

‘The Active Citizen 2.0’


Nurturing A Generation of Active Citizens


Donor – Ford Foundation


In the grand scheme of things, YAA hopes to effect change through advocating for more responsive and accountable governments to youth issues and building the capacity of and providing information to youth to supercharge their engagement and curb their disillusionment. Furthermore, this program seeks to promote youth rights and participation in governance and development processes at the National & County levels to further anchor the voice and role of youth in ensuring service delivery by governments.

16,461 Youths Reached (40% Females)

46 MCAs Reached (48% Females)

Five County Departments of Youths reached